The majority of adults living today are not strangers to the burden of stress regarding our personal finances. Chances are you’ve encountered a money failure (or two). At the very least, you’ve witnessed family members or friends struggle through their own challenges. While some may argue that the persistent financial strain may keep you mentally sharp, when stress lingers long term, it’s effects are detrimental to your physical and emotional health.

What’s the best way to bounce back from a money failure? While there’s no magic wand that can erase your debts; you can adopt a number of practices that set you up for better financial success in the future.

Start Saving

You hear it all the time. Save what you can each month, no matter how small an amount. While this messaging may seem repetitive, it’s the absolute best way to keep yourself afloat during a challenging crisis. When you reach a point in your life when you’re able to relax about your finances, don’t! This is a critical moment for you to buckle down on saving even harder.


Take the time to reflect on your current situation. How did you arrive at this point? Can you identify a root to the financial trouble? You won’t be able to spend or save differently if you don’t define what went wrong. Failure is an important part of life. It’s through failure that we’re able to reassess our systems and make changes as needed.

Reevaluate Your Plan.

After you’ve given yourself time to reflect, embark on a new plan. This step is foundational to achieve success, especially after a recent failure. To begin, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who can I reach out to for help?
  • Are my expectations realistic?
  • What should I do differently?

The worst thing you can do after a money failure is to give up on your dreams and miss out on this potent opportunity for growth. Take the time to scale back your assets, reflect on the failure, and launch into your next steps. Stability is right around the corner.